Team Events

Are you looking for something special for your employees?

Amaze your team with something unique!

Bring your team to Italy for a short but intense holiday,
 learn our tradition and culture cooking the most authentic fresh pasta,
create a memory that would remain forever! 

You will be guided step by step in an entertaining and interactive and funny class where you’ll feel like cooking in an Italian kitchen all together with your teammates, laughing, chatting, drinking, getting to know each other through food: kneading, chopping, grating, stirring, whisking. boiling and tasting of course!

The entire experience is thought as a high quality TV show but we can see and interact with the spectators! 
(We use professional equipments: multiple cameras, microphones, lights, video and audio mixers, graphics  and backup unit to ensure the best quality possible)

You can choose a recipe and we can help building the experience that best suits your needs.

The Family Meal

Relaxing, connecting, homely

In a relaxing and entertaining atmosphere, each participant will be guided and involved in the making of a traditional handmade pasta.

Talking, sharing and connecting is the key of The Family Meal.

PastaPietro Team Building
PastaPietro Corporate Events

The Great Journey

Fascinating, instructive and dynamic

A journey through Italy and its taste, narrating the territories starting from the table. From north to south, the real protagonist is pasta, spiced up with anecdotes and stories.

Put your cooking skills into play and learn all the secrets of Italian cuisine.

PastaPietro in numbers

Shopping Online
Online Events
Kilos of pasta

Some companies I have made pasta with

PastaPietro interviews

Educare California at Silicon Valley
Andrew Giles – Director
California (USA)

Thornhill Life Long Learning
Nora Rothschild – Board member
Ontario (Canada)

Contact us for info